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Merit Board Hears Evidence In Trump Case

The Sheriffs Office Merit Board for the Clinton County Sheriff’s Department held a hearing Wednesday night concerning discipline against Deputy Melissa Trump. It started with attorneys for both parties with their opening statements. The council for sheriff Rich Kelly laid out violations that occurred against Merit Board policy. An important note, only the Merit Board can fire someone on the sheriffs department. The Merit Board is a 5 member board. 

The attorney for Trump, Adam Brower came out and said the whole situation was filled with hypocrisy especially since sheriff Kelly and his wife are facing serious felonies of their own. There was discussion about charges now dropped about Trump using social media for personal gain by making video posts with the insignia of the sheriff’s department in plain sight along with her dog and her department vehicle. He also indicated that she has been retaliated against and also alleged sexual discrimination and indicated Trump will be filing an EEOC claim against sheriff Kelly and or the Sheriffs Department. 

Clinton County Prosecutor Tony Sommer was the first witness called and answered questions concerning “Giglio” which is a Supreme Court ruling dealing with law enforcement when they testify and whether police can still testify or if their past testimony is credible if there has been some disciplinary action alleged against the officer. Specifically, it’s a list compiled usually by a prosecutor’s office or a police department containing the names and details of law enforcement officers who have had sustained incidents of untruthfulness, criminal convictions, candor issues, or some other type of issue placing their credibility into question.

Sommer was asked about the strain on his relationship with the sheriff facing some charges and if he (Sommer) felt like this was treated like any other discipline case that comes from the sheriff’s department. Sommer indicated out of a few discipline issues with Kelly, this was the only one where he was provided a “Giglio” from the sheriff. Trumps attorney also asked about Sommer request for a special prosecutor who chose not to pursue charges against Trump. 

Next was Lieutenant Detective Dan Roudebush who was the one who got the initial call from Noblesville police around March 4. They played short audio clips of Roudebushs interview with Trump which was part of the internal investigation. In attendance was also Jarred Blacker who was her supervisor at the time. They showed a video of Trump talking to the polygraph examiner after she took and failed a polygraph test in West Lafayette. Roudebush also said he felt like there were a few things she held back in their internal investigation interview and then shared with the polygraph examiner a few weeks later. He also said he does believe she violated Merit Board rules. Attorney Brower cross examined Roudebush and his answers and how he conducted the internal investigation. He challenged Roudebush to cite a specific example where Trump lied which is what the termination is based on. Roudebush kept pointing to the polygraph where he felt Trump had withheld information in thier initial interview. Roudebush could not provide a specific example of a lie from Trump concerning this.

On March 2nd, Trumps son, Blake had left her house and was pulled over by the Noblesville Police Department. He and two others were arrested for consumption by a minor. Trump admitted a few days later that she gave him a portable breathalyzer before he left because she didn’t want him to drive but she and her fiance said he’s 20 and an adult and is going to do what he wants. Many testified Wednesday that although technically illegal, he had only drank one beer that night. A large part of the case was her alleged lying and Roudebush said his reason for saying she lied was because of her polygraph. Brower reminded everyone that a polygraph is not admissible in court. 

She’s also fighting to get her dog Tiko back as she was a K-9 deputy and had to give the dog back in May. She said later during her testimony she had received over 1500 signatures supporting her chance to buy the animal back.

Trump got emotional and was visibly crying during the playing of the audio and video.

Roudebush testified when asked by Brower what Merit Board policies she violated that she was sworn to obey all laws on being an officer and conduct unbecoming an officer. Throughout the evening, Brower kept pointing out there had been at least three officers in the sheriff’s department who have been disciplined for various things and were able to keep their job. Including MC Greene and Ryan Black. Some of them were while Kelly was in charge, some not. Brower also pointed out Roudebush didn’t call anyone for an interview as part of the internal investigation of people who were at Trump’s house that night, which numbered nearly ten. Brower said any lead detective should know and demand he call and talk to everyone involved. Roudebush testified Captain Matt Myers told him not to pursue the additional interviews.

The attorney for the sheriff, Tonya Bond of Plews, Shadley, Racher and Braun was able to get Kelly to explain how his charges he is facing is different because he will be judged by a jury in criminal court where this is a Merit Board and not a criminal court.

The hearing lasted nearly seven hours starting at 4 pm. They took three breaks. While returning from the second break, Trump burst out in tears at her table. Her attorney explained that during the break, her son Blake who was in attendance was arrested by the Clinton County Sheriffs Department on a warrant out of Marion County. KNS discovered it was for failure to appear on a reckless driving charge and had been issued a little over a month ago. Trump admitted to Bond she was aware her son had an outstanding warrant.

The defense called four witnesses all who testified they had never seen Trump willfully offer alcohol to anyone underage including her son. Trump herself admitted that her son has been a “handful” as a teenager stealing alcohol in the past but that she had done all she could do including having him arrested as a juvenile. She said she never has condoned underage drinking.

She was asked by her attorney about how she was treated since this happened. She said she has heard from other deputies that Matron Ashley Kelly doesn’t like her. When asked why she said she didn’t know but had heard it was jealousy.

All members of the Merit Board will consider the evidence and present a determination next Wednesday.

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